Writing an update for this week is kind of like trying to put the ocean into a paper bag. An email, a blog update or any sort letter will fail to convey the beauty, power and overwhelming goodness this week has held for me. The speaker for this week, Jeff Pratt, flew in on Saturday and was only with us until Thursday morning. We jumped right into his teachings and things took a turn for the personal faster than I ever expected. Jeff shared with us his journey to knowing the Father heart of God, the love that God the Father offers us in the face of our blatant undeserving humanity, and led us into a time of deep reflection on what Jesus did on the cross and the healing, restoration and freedom we can experience through His love poured out. Jeff is an amazing example of a man molded into the image of Christ, passionately loving those placed in his path, breaking down the religiosity the church has caged itself in with and seeking after the rhythm of Christ in a new and intimate way. All that to say, he blessed us with his teachings in a way that I never expected, and through Jeff, God was able to bring a deep sense of love and freedom into our lives. He was able to communicate the scriptures and the love of Christ and God the Father in a way that made me fall in love with my faith all over again. This week I was able to stare in the face of my past, the scars and pains, the joy and the laughter, and experience healing and freedom in a way I know is only possible because of Jesus Christ. Again, God is so good. I am so thankful that we have had the schedule we have, week 2 being focused on spiritual warfare and week 3 on the Father heart of God. It has been intense but has truly set us up for such a unique time together. Our group has been blessed with sense of family almost from day one, which has allowed us to be open and honest with where God is leading and carrying us.
Things on the boat have been great, sweaty and hot, but great. We are all still getting use to water usage, we have run out kind of early two weeks in a row but we are getting better. I share a cabin (really small room) with two lovely ladies, Stacey and Brenda, and both of them have been sick. But thanks to my twice a day gargling with hydrogen peroxide I have managed to stay healthy, praise God! This week we anchored at another island called Rendezvous Caye, and we got to see some awesome sunsets this week which was awesome! On our sail there and back we saw dolphins which came around the boats for a while, it was pretty exciting! Sailing is great and each week we have about a 2hr lesson. This week we learned how to unfurl, set and furl the jib, basically unrolling the front sail and make it sail for us, it’s pretty fun.
This next week Chris Toney, our Director, will be speaking on worldviews, which should be great. We also got some great news today, we are sailing to Guatemala! We will be there starting next weekend and probably stay for a week or two at Lago Izabel, I can’t wait! We are all super excited and eager to go somewhere other than Placencia. The town has been great but things are shutting down for the season and very few places are still open. I hope everyone is doing well and I would love to hear from you, write soon! Blessings! With the wind…
Jayne!! What a wonderful adventure you are on both physically and spiritually. It sounds like you are doing well and as I expected trying to gain as much from your experience as possible. I am so proud of you and praying for you. Read my emails for some fun news! :) Love you soo much and look forward to hearing more about your great journey.
Hi Jayne-
We as a family look forward to reading your blog. It has become a new part of our prayer routine. It has been exciting to witness all that God is doing in you as well as through you. Understanding the Love of Christ is HUGE. We know that God has something big in store for you but in order for it to come out in the purest form one must cleanse the heart and soul. We are SO proud of you Jayne. You will NEVER be the same which is such a gift from God. Through His grace and unconditional love we get to experience what true humility feel like. It's such a beautiful place when God is in the center of it. This place is full of God's peace and God's Hope. None of us have fallen too far out of the grips of God's grace and love. We cheer you on Sister! My son and his friends loved the story about the dolphins. The said to tell you "Remember to look for sharks".
What a incredible life right now God has given you! Many years ago I imagine you never thought you would be here. Look at you now sister!! We miss you and send our love as well as prayers. Life is Good these days and God get's ALL the glory. Enjoy the journey learning more about God as well as yourself.
Every once in awhile listen across the sea for our cheers... You can be certain they are out there!! :)
Love ya,
The Sharp Family <><
Amazing! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! And peroxide...I'll have to try that next time Kai is coughing on me:)
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