Our time in Nochixtlan has been ablsolutely amazing. The people, the food, the parties, everything has been such a testament to the loving God that we serve. Christmas, although it was hard to pass away from family, I felt as if I was with my Mexican family. A few of the church families were concerned that we were homesick and wanted to us to feel as loved as possible so they threw a beautiful Christmas party for us. Here they celebrate Christmas by having a huge dinner late on the 24th, to be together to celebrate the first hour of Christmas together. Presents are by no means the focus, but rather Christ, sharing time with family and ofcourse...food! It was such a blessing to be here, a home away from home. As a team we put together a Christmas program which included a stomp routine and a drama. We were able to take it to a few of the surrounding towns and present it there. We have been to privileged to be apart of what God wants to accomplish here, it´s absolutely incredible. Besides presenting our Christmas program we have been doing various work projects in the homes of people from the church here. There are lots of single moms, widows and other families that don´t have the means to repair leaking roofs or instal a toilet or lay down concrete for a floor in their house, so we have been able to meet needs and encourage people in such amazing ways. It is such a humbling thing to see people with, literally nothing be so gracious and giving. Mexico has and continues to be my teacher in so many ways.

Pastor Samuel and Pastor Joel, along with their families and a few other friends took us to Puebla for a few days last week. Puebla is a huge, beautiful city which is also home to the worlds smallest volcano! It was so fun to get some time to be a tourist and just explore an amazing Mexican city. Puebla has a beautiful center that felt more like a European city. It was refreshing, except for the part when I ate some funky food and had to visit every bathroom I saw for the entire day...but it eventually passed and all was well again!
This is Brenda and I have fun at the volcancito!

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the new year! I have a little less than three weeks left here and I can´t believe how time is flying by. As a I make my way over to Connecticut I will be home for a week at the end of January to grab some warm clothes and hugs from all of you! Blessings and love!
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