Love146.org The abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation. Nothing Less.
This is 3/4 of my small group, Hannah (left) and Maggie in the middle (she's one of our amazing staff) an Liesel is taking the picture, you will see lots of her later!
Here’s Becky, Maggie and I on the dingy riding back from Renguana Caye. There is actually a little resort of the Island and they wanted to charge us $10 a person to be there. So we kindly said no thank you, took some pictures and went back to the boats…everybody has to make a living I suppose!
Things on the boat have been great, sweaty and hot, but great. We are all still getting use to water usage, we have run out kind of early two weeks in a row but we are getting better. I share a cabin (really small room) with two lovely ladies, Stacey and Brenda, and both of them have been sick. But thanks to my twice a day gargling with hydrogen peroxide I have managed to stay healthy, praise God! This week we anchored at another island called Rendezvous Caye, and we got to see some awesome sunsets this week which was awesome! On our sail there and back we saw dolphins which came around the boats for a while, it was pretty exciting! Sailing is great and each week we have about a 2hr lesson. This week we learned how to unfurl, set and furl the jib, basically unrolling the front sail and make it sail for us, it’s pretty fun.
This next week Chris Toney, our Director, will be speaking on worldviews, which should be great. We also got some great news today, we are sailing to Guatemala! We will be there starting next weekend and probably stay for a week or two at Lago Izabel, I can’t wait! We are all super excited and eager to go somewhere other than Placencia. The town has been great but things are shutting down for the season and very few places are still open. I hope everyone is doing well and I would love to hear from you, write soon! Blessings! With the wind…